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Polygon Packing

You might have heard of tesselations, and you’ve definitely seen a few before. A tesselation of a flat surface simply involves covering it in shapes, without having any overlap or leaving any gaps. For example: the tiles on your kitchen floor are a tesselation (unless you’re missing some tiles). A mosaic is a tesselation. The infinite variety produced from a few simple shapes in a Penrose Tiling are tesselations. There are many beautiful examples of tesselations online, and they have been used to create art for millenia.

I was curious what would happen if we changed the requirements for making tesselations a little, and instead used the following rules:

By allowing for gaps between shapes, this becomes a variant of Packing problems. These problems try to fit shapes into containers, allowing for some space between shapes as it may not be possible to create a perfect fit. I wasn’t so interested in finding “optimal packings”, but instead just looking for the patterns that arise when we apply these rules.

Packing procedure

Before looking at results, let me describe at a high-level how my polygon packing algorithm works. You can skip this part if you’re not interested, but I think it’s important to have a high-level understanding to appreciate the results.

The algorithm does the following:

  1. Place the shape we’re packing at the center, e.g. (0, 0).
  2. As long as we don’t have count (e.g. 100) shapes placed, repeatedly:
    1. Look at the closest edge to the center that doesn’t have a shape next to it yet.
    2. Find an edge on our shape with the same length, and place our shape against it (reflecting it if need-be).
    3. If it doesn’t collide with any other shapes in out packing, save it.

You can think of it as trying to place shapes as close to the center without overlapping, but only when sitting edge-to-edge with another shape that’s already been placed.

To demonstrate what’s going, I’ve drawn the first few iterations of this algorithm against a triangle:

Packing procedure
The center is denoted with 0,0. The edge we pick to line up our shape against is given a red tick mark. After just a few iterations the result is quite predictable, and a little boring. It gets more interesting as we start to pack more shapes (see below).


If you’re interested, here is some (unoptomized) python-esque pseudocode. This part is definitely skippable.

# `shape` the shape we will pack, located at the origin
# `count` is how many shapes we want to pack
def polygon_packing(shape, count):
  result = [shape.copy()]             # place a shape at the center
  open_edges = queue(shape.edges())   # all edges, sorted by distance to (0, 0)

  while len(result) < count:            # keep going until we have `count` shapes
    edge = open_edges.pop()             # look at the closest edge to (0, 0)

    if edge is None:                    # if no edges remain, we're done early
      print("ran out of edges early...")
      return result

    for new_shape in shape.options(edge):   # all rotations/flips around `edge`
      if not new_shape.collides(result):    # if there's not a collision
        result.add(new_shape)               # save the shape
        open_edges.push(new_shape.edges())  # save the edges for later packing

  return result

Sidenote: There are a surprising number of edge-cases when looking for colliding shapes when allowing for (and encouraging) shapes to lie edge-to-edge. I might do an explanation of these in a later post if anyone expresses interest in trying to implement this themselves.

This code is rather simple, and as long as you understand what it’s doing, it shouldn’t be a surprise (at least in small cases) how shapes are placed next to one another. The “magic” happens when you scale this up to several thousand shapes.


These results were all plotted with a pen plotter. I’ll be walking through how different shapes wind up packing together.


I started by packing differently shaped triangles, on the order of a few thousand at once. The result is immediately quite satisfying, and reminds me visually of grain boundaries found in crystalline structures.

Packing of triangles
Here we have a zoomed in plot of a packing of triangles. Surprisingly, the triangles seem to orient themselves to point towards the center, and form large, contiguous regions where the packing pattern is repeated.

shape: [0, 2], [2, 0], [0.9, 0.45]
count: 3000
Packing of triangles
Zoomed out, we see that the constant pressure to place shapes at the center results in a rounded figure. The "grain boundary" effect at this level is even more pronounced.

shape: [0, 2], [2, 0], [0.9, 0.45]
count: 3000

Moving shapes far away from the origin, in effect forcing them to pack close to a line rather than a single point creates even more clearly delineated grain boundaries:

Packing of triangles
The grain structures grow quite large here, and the contiguous filled spaces create a nice composition in constrast to the gaps left where no shapes could be packed.

parameters lost due to technical error


For fun, I’ve also used the pen plotter to create a watercolor of these triangle packings:

Watercolor packing of triangles
For aesthetic reasons, I shrank every packed triangle before filling it. The overall effect is quite playful I think. This is one of my first successful watercolor experiments with the pen plotter -- the challenge here lay in getting the fill for each shape to look right.

shape: [0, 0], [1, 0], [0.5, 1]
count: 350
scale: 0.65


Foursided shapes (unsurprisingly) produce some very different results. One of my favorite results has come from using slightly “lopsided” squares, meaning one of the four shape is ever so slightly out of position. A packing of regular squares using my packing procedure would just result in a tesselation, after all.

Packing of
  lopsided squares
Looking closely at this "lopsided" square packing we see much smaller regions of alignment among the shapes.

shape: [0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0.9], [0, 1]
count: 20000
Packing of
  lopsided squares
From a distance, we just see a very lovely texture, reminiscent European rounded pavers, or setts.

shape: [0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0.9], [0, 1]
count: 20000

Trapezoids on the other hand create a much more hectic and vibrant texture.

Packing of
The gaps in the packing seem to radiate from the center in a somewhat regular but unpredicatable pattern. Definitely something chaotic going on here.

shape: [0, 0], [1, 0], [0.7, 0.7], [0.3, 0.7]
count: 15000
Packing of
Zooming in reveals a section where the trapezoids seem to find a very stable/repeated pattern starting in the center.

shape: [0, 0], [1, 0], [0.7, 0.7], [0.3, 0.7]
count: 15000

Non-convex shapes

So far, all of the shapes we’ve packed have been “convex”, meaning you could wrap a string around them and have the string touch every side. So, of course, we need to see what non-convex, (or concave) polygons look like when packed. This is an area I want to explore in more detail as it seems to produce the largest variety in results depending on the starting shape. For example, here I manage to pack a non-convex quad in a very dense configuration:

Packing of
This render really surpised me in how visible the "grain boundaries" were, and how they seem to subdivide the circle into at least 8 distinct parts.

shape: [0, 0], [1, 0], [1.7, 0.7], [0.7, 0.1]
count: 20000

Modifying the shape even just a little results in a dramatically different packing, with far larger areas unable to pack any shapes edge-to-edge:

Packing of
This particular shape seems to lend itself to creating large holes in the resulting packing.

shape: [0, 0], [1, 0], [1.7, 0.7], [0, 0.2]
count: 6000

Closing thoughts…

This whole idea of packing shapes is still really underexplored, and I’m sure there’s plenty more beautiful and interesting examples to find.

On a different gear: producing these packings efficiently required some fairly optimized code, and resulted writing some C extensions for my Python plotter library. If folks are interested, this could be the topic of another blog post.